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Sunday, May 6, 2012

23 Things Project: Things 5 & 6 RSS and Newsfeeds

I must admit that it is too easy to get caught up in searching and reading blogs to include on a RSS reader. What started out as an easy assignment...you know, shouldn't take more than an hour or two, turned into several days searching and reading...getting caught up in the clicking on one thing after another. Don't get me wrong, it was fun to read some on the outrageous things posted on the Internet, but true confession time...I probably won't keep up with most of the RSS feeds I choose for this assignment. I hate to admit it...but I forget about most of my techie things after a short while. I let my IPod die, I forget to charge my Nook and my IPad, and shocking as it may seem -- I forget about charging my cell phone as well. I hate checking email and forget about posting to social media sites. Heck, I can't even keep up with reading my magazines.

So, what did I choose for my RSS feed assignment? Well, to be honest, I just choose things I enjoy reading about -- knitting, books, and a few library related blogs. I signed up for a Google Reader account because it was the first on the list and I already had a Google email account set-up (had to make one when I bought my smartphone). I'm following my favorite knitters who produce podcasts that I listen to, my favorite yarn suppliers and producers, a few personal librarian blogs, the main library organizations, and my favorite library journal publishers.

Reading the tidbits on the Google Reader takes some getting used to. I like to see everything at once, but no, you have to click on the titles to see the pretty pictures. Not a problem with text only entries, but knitting blogs have delicious pictures of yummy knits. I did find a new knitting favorite through this assignment: Wendy Knits. She has a wicked sense of humor and a Siamese cat too.

I explored the newsfeed section of the assignment too. But I must admit, I don't care too much about reading news stories. We watch enough news on the television for me. Topix seemed to have a couple of fun things to explore but that's about all.

Until next post,

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